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Effect of vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time on static balance in 20s adults with chronic ankle instability

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WHO ICTRP (International Clinical Trial Registry Platform) Required

  • 1. Background

    Background - CRIS Registration Number, Unique Protocol ID, Public/Brief Title, Scientific Title, Acronym, MFDS Regulated Study, IND/IDE Protocol, Registered at Other Registry, Name of Registry/Registration Number
    Registration Number
    Unique Protocol ID 1040647-202003-HR-001-03
    Public/Brief Title The effect of tactile feedback using pressure sensor-based vibrations on static balance in 20s adults with chronic ankle instability
    Scientific Title Effect of vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time on static balance in 20s adults with chronic ankle instability
    Acronym Vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time
    MFDS Regulated Study No
    IND/IDE Protocol No
    Registered at Other Registry No
    Healthcare Benefit Approval Status Not applicable
  • 2. Institutional Review Board / Ethics Committee

    Institutional Review Board Information
    Board Approval Status Submitted approval
    Board Approval Number 1040647-202003-HR-001-03
    Approval Date 2020-04-03
    Institutional Review Board Name Institutional review board of Daejeon University
    Institutional Review Board Address 62, Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon
    Institutional Review Board Telephone 042-280-2786
    Data Monitoring Committee No
  • 3. Contact Details

    Contact Details Information - Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries, Contact Person for Public Queries, Contact Person for Updating Information의 Name, Title, Email, Telephone, Cellular Phone, Affiliation, Address
    Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries
    Name Wonseob Shin
    Title Professor
    Telephone +82-42-280-2294
    Affiliation Daejeon University
    Address 2423, Applied Science Museum, 62, Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon
    Contact Person for Public Queries
    Name Ho Kim
    Title MSc
    Telephone +82-42-280-2290
    Affiliation Daejeon University
    Address 2508, Applied Science Museum, 62, Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon
    Contact Person for Updating Information
    Name Ho Kim
    Title MSc
    Telephone +82-42-280-2290
    Affiliation Daejeon University
    Address 2508, Applied Science Museum, 62, Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon
  • 4. Status

    Status Information - Study Site, Overall Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollment, Target Number of Participant, Primary Completion Date, Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site, Name of Study Site, Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollemnt
    Study Site Single
    Overall Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2020-04-06 Actual
    Target Number of Participant 21
    Primary Completion Date 2020-05-31 , Actual
    Study Completion Date 2020-08-31 , Actual
    Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site 1
    Name of Study Daejeon University
    Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2020-04-06 ,
  • 5. Source of Monetary / Material Support

    Source of Monetary / Material Support Information - Organization Name, Organization Type, Project ID
    1. Source of Monetary/Material Support
    Organization Name Daejeon University
    Organization Type University
    Project ID
  • 6. Sponsor Organization

    Sponsor Organization Information - Organization Name, Organization Type
    1. Sponsor Organization
    Organization Name Daejeon University
    Organization Type University
  • 7. Study Summary

    Study Summary Information
    Lay Summary
    ※ Background
    Previous studies suggest that chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a cause of repeated ankle joint injury due to the problem with postural control from reduced proprioception and postural agitation. There are many reports of intervention and treatments of CAI using balance exercise programs, but there is a lack of research in intervention programs using various bio-feedback environment and based pressure sensor information.
    ※ Hypothesis
    The hypothesis of this study is that vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time will improve static balance such as velocity and path length in adults in their 20s with CAI. 
    CAI is a chronic musculoskeletal disease with a high level of relapse that can lower patients quality of life by reducing various neurological abilities such as proprioception. In this regard, the hypothesis of this study is that the newly developed vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time equipment will improve static balance such as sway speed and length of movement in adults in their twenties with chronic ankle instability.
    ※ Purpose
    The purpose of this research is to provide a more effective bio-feedback intervention program for proprioception and postural control in CAI.
  • 8. Study Design

    Study Design Information - Study Type, Study Purpose, Phase, Intervention Model, Blinding/Masking, Blinded Subject, Allocation, Intervention Type, Intervention Description, Number of Arms, Arm Label, Target Number of Participant, Arm Type, Arm Description
    Study Type Interventional Study
    Study Purpose
     Supportive Care
    Phase Not applicable
    Intervention Model Single Group  
    Blinding/Masking Open
    Allocation RCT
    Intervention Type Others (Research and development equipment)
    Intervention Description
    - Twenty-one subjects with chronic ankle instability were selected. With the R Studio program (R Studio Desktop 1.2.5033), the measurement sequence is randomly placed in a tactile bio-feedback, visual bio-feedback, and a standing position without bio-feedback, one day each for three days.
    -We investigate whether there was any difference in the static balance ability of the standing posture in different feedback situations.
    -To measure the static balance ability, maintain a standing posture for a total of 3 sets of 30 seconds with both feet naturally placed on the Wii balance board, and the rest time between sets is 3 minutes.
    -Data extraction is done by Balancia software ver 2.0, extract data in 100Hz increments.
    -The distance from the Wii balance board to the wall is equal to 2m.
    -Subjects are exposed to the experiment and are given a 24-hour washing out to minimize their adaptation.
    Number of Arms 1
    Arm 1

    Arm Label

    Adults in their twenties with chronic ankle instability

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type


    Arm Description

    - One day each for 3 days with random measurement sequence
    1. Newly developed vibrotactile bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time
    2. Newly developed visual bio-feedback providing pressure information in real time
    3. General standing posture without bio-feedback
    Proceed with the experiment.
    - To measure the static balance ability, keep both feet on the Wii balance board and maintain a standing posture for a total of 3 sets of 30 seconds.
    - In order to minimize the adaptation of the subject, the break between sets is set to 3 minutes.
    - The distance from the Wii balance board to the wall is equal to 2m.
    - Subjects are exposed to the experiment and are subjected to washing out for 24 hours to minimize their adaptation.
  • 9. Subject Eligibility

    Subject Eligibility Information
    Condition(s)/Problem(s) * (M00-M99)Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 
       (M25.37)Other instability of joint, ankle and foot 

    Ankle, Disease, Musculoskeletal Diseases
    Rare Disease No
    Inclusion Criteria






    (1) Those who have not experienced ankle sprains in the past 6 weeks
    (2) Those with a score of 24 or less on the Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT)
    Exclusion Criteria
    (1) Those who do not have neurological or orthopedic diseases that cause movement disorders
    (2) Those with a history of surgery on the lower extremities in the last 1 year
    Healthy Volunteers No
  • 10. Outcome Measure(s)

    Outcome Measure(s) Information - Type of Primary Outcome, Primary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint, Secondary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint
    Type of Primary Outcome /Safety/Efficacy
    Primary Outcome(s) 1
    Static balance ability (Sway velocity{cm/s})
    Biofeedback device being applied
    Secondary Outcome(s) 1
    Static balance ability (Path length{cm})
    Biofeedback device being applied
  • 11. Study Results and Publication

    Study Results and Publication Information - Result Registered, Final Enrollment Number, Number of Publication, Publications, Results Upload, Date of Posting Results, Protocol URL or File Upload, Brief Summary
    Result Registered No
  • 12. Sharing of Study Data(Deidentified Individual-Patient Data, IPD)

    Sharing of Study Data Information - Sharing Statement, Time of Sharing, Way of Sharing
    Sharing Statement No
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