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Open, Randomization, Fasting, Single, Oral Administration, Group 2, Stage 2, Cross-Test in Healthy Adults for Bioequivalence Assessment in healthy adults to evaluate the bioequivalence between Huons’s Ollofree Tab (Olopatadine HCl 5mg) and Kyowa Kirin Korea’s Alerac Tablet 5 mg (Olopatadine HCl 5 mg)

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CRIS Required

WHO ICTRP (International Clinical Trial Registry Platform) Required

  • 1. Background

    Background - CRIS Registration Number, Unique Protocol ID, Public/Brief Title, Scientific Title, Acronym, MFDS Regulated Study, IND/IDE Protocol, Registered at Other Registry, Name of Registry/Registration Number
    Registration Number
    Unique Protocol ID 2019-09-056
    Public/Brief Title Huons’s "Ollofree Tab" (Olopatadine HCl 5mg) and Kyowa Kirin Korea’s "Alerac Tablet 5 mg" (Olopatadine HCl 5 mg) for biological equivalence evaluation, group 2, cross test
    Scientific Title Open, Randomization, Fasting, Single, Oral Administration, Group 2, Stage 2, Cross-Test in Healthy Adults for Bioequivalence Assessment in healthy adults to evaluate the bioequivalence between Huons’s Ollofree Tab (Olopatadine HCl 5mg) and Kyowa Kirin Korea’s Alerac Tablet 5 mg (Olopatadine HCl 5 mg)
    Acronym RDG-19015_BE
    MFDS Regulated Study Yes
    IND/IDE Protocol Yes
    Registered at Other Registry No
    Healthcare Benefit Approval Status Not applicable
  • 2. Institutional Review Board / Ethics Committee

    Institutional Review Board Information
    Board Approval Status Submitted approval
    Board Approval Number CNUH 2019-09-56
    Approval Date 2019-10-18
    Institutional Review Board Name Chungnam National University Hospital Institutional Review Board
    Institutional Review Board Address 282, Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon
    Institutional Review Board Telephone 042-280-8715
    Data Monitoring Committee No
  • 3. Contact Details

    Contact Details Information - Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries, Contact Person for Public Queries, Contact Person for Updating Information의 Name, Title, Email, Telephone, Cellular Phone, Affiliation, Address
    Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries
    Name Hong Jang hee
    Title Prof.
    Telephone +82-42-280-6940
    Affiliation Chungnam National University Hospital
    Address Chungnam National University Hospital Clinical Trials Center 282 Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Kore
    Contact Person for Public Queries
    Name Kim Jae hoon
    Title DM
    Telephone +82-42-280-6852
    Affiliation Chungnam National University Hospital
    Address Chungnam National University Hospital Clinical Trials Center 282 Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Kore
    Contact Person for Updating Information
    Name Kim Jae hoon
    Title DM
    Telephone +82-42-280-6852
    Affiliation Chungnam National University Hospital
    Address Chungnam National University Hospital Clinical Trials Center 282 Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Kore
  • 4. Status

    Status Information - Study Site, Overall Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollment, Target Number of Participant, Primary Completion Date, Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site, Name of Study Site, Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollemnt
    Study Site Single
    Overall Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2019-12-06 Actual
    Target Number of Participant 32
    Primary Completion Date 2020-01-02 , Actual
    Study Completion Date 2020-01-02 , Actual
    Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site 1
    Name of Study Chungnam National University Hospital
    Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2019-12-06 ,
  • 5. Source of Monetary / Material Support

    Source of Monetary / Material Support Information - Organization Name, Organization Type, Project ID
    1. Source of Monetary/Material Support
    Organization Name Huons
    Organization Type Pharmaceutical Company
    Project ID 2019-09-056
  • 6. Sponsor Organization

    Sponsor Organization Information - Organization Name, Organization Type
    1. Sponsor Organization
    Organization Name Huons
    Organization Type Pharmaceutical Company
  • 7. Study Summary

    Study Summary Information
    Lay Summary
    After a single dose of a comparator or a test drug containing 5 mg of Olopatadine HCl, the pharmacokinetic evaluation variables of the two formulas are compared with AUC0-t and Cmax to assess biological equivalence, and to assess abnormal reactions, pathologic drugs, electrocardiography to Evaluate safety items.
  • 8. Study Design

    Study Design Information - Study Type, Study Purpose, Phase, Intervention Model, Blinding/Masking, Blinded Subject, Allocation, Intervention Type, Intervention Description, Number of Arms, Arm Label, Target Number of Participant, Arm Type, Arm Description
    Study Type Interventional Study
    Study Purpose
    Phase Phase1
    Intervention Model Cross-over  
    Blinding/Masking Open
    Allocation RCT
    Intervention Type Drug  
    Intervention Description
    Single oral administration of reference drug(VIVIANT TAB.20 mg) under fasting conditions and single oral dose of test drug(Vivantzheng 20 milligrams) under fasting conditions 14 days apart.
    Number of Arms 2
    Arm 1

    Arm Label

    Sequence A

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type


    Arm Description

    Single oral dose of reference drug(Alerac Tablet 5 mg, Olopatadine HCl 5 mg) under fasting conditions and single oral administration of test drug(Ollofree Tab. Olopatadine HCl 5 mg) under fasting conditions 14 days apart.
    Arm 2

    Arm Label

    Sequence B

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type


    Arm Description

    Single oral dose of test drug(Ollofree Tab. Olopatadine HCl 5 mg) under fasting conditions and single oral administration of reference drug(Alerac Tablet 5 mg, Olopatadine HCl 5 mg) under fasting conditions 14 days apart.
  • 9. Subject Eligibility

    Subject Eligibility Information
    Condition(s)/Problem(s) * (L00-L99)Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 
       (L29.9)Pruritus, unspecified 

    Rare Disease No
    Inclusion Criteria




    19Year~No Limit


    1)Healthy adult volunteers over the age of 19 at  screening.
    2)Subject who weight was ≥ 55 kg and ideal body weight (IBW) was within ±20%
    - Ideal Body Weight (IBW, kg) = (Height(cm) - 100) × 0.9
    3)Subject who don’t have congenital or chronic disease and any pathologic sign or symptom from medical check-up.
    4)Subject who be within normal range by clinical laboratory results such as hematology test, blood chemistry test, urine test, etc.
    5)Subject who be confirmed not to be pregnant through pregnancy test.
    6)Subject who be informed of and completely understood this clinical trial and signed the written informed consent for voluntary participation.
    Exclusion Criteria
    1)Subject who have a clinically significant past or present medical history of  hepato-biliary, renal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, hematologic/neoplastic, endocrine (Especially patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic pre-coma), urologic, psychiatric, musculoskeletal, immunologic, otorhinolaryngological, and cardiovascular diseases.
    2)Subject with a history of gastrointestinal disease (e.g. Crone’s disease, ulceration, acute or chronic pancreatitis, etc) or surgery (except simple appendectomy or repair of a hernia), which can influence the absorption of the study drug.
    3)Patient with prostatic hypertrophy or glaucoma.
    4)Subject who laboratory findings under any of the followings.
    - AST, ALT > UNL(upper normal limit) x 2.0
    - eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73m2 from Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
    5)Subject who systolic blood pressure (SBP) < 100 mmHg or > 140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) < 90 mmHg or < 60 mmHg or pulse rate (PR) ≥ 100 /min in sitting position.
    6)Subject who took barbiturates or an inducer or inhibitor of drug metabolite enzymes within 30 day before the first study drug administration.
    7)Subject who took central nervous system depressants drugs or Anticholinergic drugs within 30 days before the first study drug administration and  subject whose other conditions are judged by investigators as not appropriate for this clinical trial could not participate in this study.
    8)Subject who have participated in bioequivalence studies or other clinical trials within 6 months of the first day of study drug administration.
    9)Subject who donated whole blood within 2 months or blood components within 1 month before the first administration, or who received blood transfusion within 1 month before the first administration.
    10)Subject who has a history or presence of regular consumption exceeding an average weekly intake of > 21 units of alcohol in recent 6 months prior to the Screening visit or unable to refrain from drinking during within 48 hours prior to the study drug administration and until last pharmacokinetic sampling.(250 ml of beer (5%)) = 10 g, soju (20%) 1 cup (50 ml) = 8 g, wine (12%) 1 cup (125 ml) = 12 g)
    11)Smokers with an average daily smoking amount exceeding 10 cigarettes per day in recent 3 months prior to the Screening visit or unable to refrain until last pharmacokinetic sampling from 48 hours prior to administration of study drug.
    12)lactating women.
    13)Subejct who do not agree to use medically acceptable methods* of contraception from first study drug administration to 7 days after last administration of study drug.
    *Medically acceptable methods: combination of two or more of the following (intrauterine devices (IUD, IUS), vasectomy, fallopian tube ligation and blocking contraception (male condom, female) condom) or a combination of spermicide and two combinations of blocking contraception.
    14)Uncontrolled genetic disorders such as galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption
    15)Subject with known hypersensitivity or history of allergy to the study drug containing Yellow No. 5 (Sunset Yellow FCF, Sunset Yellow FCF)
    16)Those who are not willing or able to abide by the lifestyle guidelines described in study plan.
    17)Subject who, in addition to the exclusion criteria above, has determined that the examiner is not suitable for participation in the bioequivalence test due to clinical laboratory test results or other reasons
    Healthy Volunteers Yes
  • 10. Outcome Measure(s)

    Outcome Measure(s) Information - Type of Primary Outcome, Primary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint, Secondary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint
    Type of Primary Outcome Bio-Equivalence
    Primary Outcome(s) 1
    Area under the Curve 0-t
    Blood samplings up to 24 hours post-dose in each period
    Primary Outcome(s) 2
    Concentration max
    Blood samplings up to 24 hours post-dose in each period
    Secondary Outcome(s) 1
    Area under the Curve infinite
    Blood samplings up to 24 hours post-dose in each period
    Secondary Outcome(s) 2
    Terminal half-life
    Blood samplings up to 24 hours post-dose in each period
    Secondary Outcome(s) 3
    The time it takes a drug to reach the maximum concentration
    Blood samplings up to 24 hours post-dose in each period
  • 11. Study Results and Publication

    Study Results and Publication Information - Result Registered, Final Enrollment Number, Number of Publication, Publications, Results Upload, Date of Posting Results, Protocol URL or File Upload, Brief Summary
    Result Registered No
  • 12. Sharing of Study Data(Deidentified Individual-Patient Data, IPD)

    Sharing of Study Data Information - Sharing Statement, Time of Sharing, Way of Sharing
    Sharing Statement No
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