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Neurocircuitry of acupuncture effect on cognitive improvement in patients with mild cognitive impairment using MRI

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WHO ICTRP (International Clinical Trial Registry Platform) Required

  • 1. Background

    Background - CRIS Registration Number, Unique Protocol ID, Public/Brief Title, Scientific Title, Acronym, MFDS Regulated Study, IND/IDE Protocol, Registered at Other Registry, Name of Registry/Registration Number
    Registration Number
    Unique Protocol ID KHNMCOH 2017-09-007-020
    Public/Brief Title Acupuncture effect on cognitive improvement in patients with mild cognitive impairment
    Scientific Title Neurocircuitry of acupuncture effect on cognitive improvement in patients with mild cognitive impairment using MRI
    MFDS Regulated Study No
    IND/IDE Protocol
    Registered at Other Registry No
    Healthcare Benefit Approval Status Not applicable
  • 2. Institutional Review Board / Ethics Committee

    Institutional Review Board Information
    Board Approval Status Submitted approval
    Board Approval Number KHNMCOH 2017-09-007-006
    Approval Date 2018-05-10
    Institutional Review Board Name Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital at Gangdong Institutional Review Board
    Institutional Review Board Address 892, Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul
    Institutional Review Board Telephone 02-440-8108
    Data Monitoring Committee
  • 3. Contact Details

    Contact Details Information - Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries, Contact Person for Public Queries, Contact Person for Updating Information의 Name, Title, Email, Telephone, Cellular Phone, Affiliation, Address
    Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries
    Name Sun-Yong Chung
    Title Prof
    Telephone +82-2-440-8568
    Affiliation Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine Hospital at Gangdong
    Address 892, Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    Contact Person for Public Queries
    Name Sun-Yong Chung
    Title Prof
    Telephone +82-2-440-8568
    Affiliation Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine Hospital at Gangdong
    Address 892, Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    Contact Person for Updating Information
    Name Sun-Yong Chung
    Title Prof
    Telephone +82-2-440-8568
    Affiliation Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine Hospital at Gangdong
    Address 892, Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 4. Status

    Status Information - Study Site, Overall Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollment, Target Number of Participant, Primary Completion Date, Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site, Name of Study Site, Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollemnt
    Study Site Multi-center Number of center : 2
    Overall Recruitment Status Recruiting
    Date of First Enrollment 2018-07-18 Actual
    Target Number of Participant 50
    Primary Completion Date
    Study Completion Date
    Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site 1
    Name of Study KyungHee University Medical Center
    Recruitment Status Recruiting
    Date of First Enrollment 2018-07-18 ,
    Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site 2
    Name of Study Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine Hospital at Gangdong
    Recruitment Status Recruiting
    Date of First Enrollment 2018-11-06 ,
  • 5. Source of Monetary / Material Support

    Source of Monetary / Material Support Information - Organization Name, Organization Type, Project ID
    1. Source of Monetary/Material Support
    Organization Name Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
    Organization Type Research Institute
    Project ID
  • 6. Sponsor Organization

    Sponsor Organization Information - Organization Name, Organization Type
    1. Sponsor Organization
    Organization Name Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
    Organization Type Research Institute
  • 7. Study Summary

    Study Summary Information
    Lay Summary
    1. Research Purpose and Background
    To evaluate efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatment on mild cognitive impairment, investigating whether 24 sessions of acupuncture treatment for 12 weeks in patients with mild cognitive impairment improves cognitive function compared to sham acupucnture control.
    The neuroimaging method will be used to evaluate the differences of brain activities and brain structural and functional changes related to working memory and to figure out the mechanisms of central nervous system through analysis of the correlation between neuroimaging and clinical efficacy.
    2. Subject / Intervention / Outcome measurements
    1) Subjects: Mild cognitive impairment
    2) Intervention
    - Treatment group: Acupuncture treatment (GV20, EX-HN1, LI04, ST36)
    - Control group: using streitberger device, non-penetrating on the same acupoints.
    3) Outcome measurments
    i) Primary outcome
    - Digit span test (week 12)
    ii) Secondary outcome
    - Digit span test (week 4, week 8)
    - Digit symbol substitution test (week 4, week 8, week 12)
    - MoCA-K (Korean version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment) (week 12)
    - SNSB (Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery-II ) (week 12)
    - BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory, Second Edition) (week 12)
    - Task memory task performance score (week 12)
    - Brain activity change by task memory task performance (week 12)
    - Changes in brain activity due to emotional imaging stimuli (week 12)
    - Evaluation of cerebral blood flow (week 12)
    - Changes in functional and structural networks of the brain (week 12)
    iii) safety assessment outcome
    - Adverse events (every visit)
    3. Research hypothesis
    We hypothesized that when acupuncture was given, it would induce changes in brain structural and functional network and cerebral blood flow.
    To prove this hypothesis, we will evaluate the activity of the related brain area using the working memory task which evaluates the memory and the space-time constructing ability, and the brain structural and functional networks which performs the central executive control. We will also evaluate the difference in cerebral blood flow changes using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We will figure out the neurological mechanism of improvement of cognitive function in acupuncture treatment by correlation analysis between therapeutic effect of acupucnture and changes of central nervous system detected by MRI.
  • 8. Study Design

    Study Design Information - Study Type, Study Purpose, Phase, Intervention Model, Blinding/Masking, Blinded Subject, Allocation, Intervention Type, Intervention Description, Number of Arms, Arm Label, Target Number of Participant, Arm Type, Arm Description
    Study Type Interventional Study
    Study Purpose
    Phase Not applicable
    Intervention Model Parallel  
    Blinding/Masking Single
    Blinded Subject Subject, Outcome Accessor
    Allocation RCT
    Intervention Type Medical Device  
    Intervention Description
    Subjects are randomly assigned to either acupuncture group or sham acupuncture group. In the acupuncture group, acupuncture penetrates the skin, whereas in the sham acupuncture group, the acupuncture does not penetrate the skin. Both groups receive acupuncture or sham acupuncture treatment on nine acupoints(GV20, EX-HN1, LI4, ST36) twice a week for twelve weeks (total 24 sessions). During the clinical trials, both groups restricted all treatments for improvement of cognitive functions.
    Number of Arms 2
    Arm 1

    Arm Label


    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type


    Arm Description

    STRICTA Checklist item
    1) Acupuncture rationale
    1a) Style of acupuncture (e.g. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese, Korean, Western medical, Five Element, ear acupuncture, etc) : Korean body acupuncure
    1b) Reasoning for treatment provided, based on historical context, literature sources, and/or consensus methods, with references where appropriate : We selected the optimal treatment regimen based on university textbooks on meridian and acupuncture, and literature review of clinical trials investigating acupuncture therapy on mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
    1c) Extent to which treatment was varied : None
    2) Details of needling
    2a) Number of needle insertions per subject per session (mean and range where relevant) : 9
    2b) Names (or location if no standard name) of points used (uni/bilateral) : GV20, EX-HN1, LI4(bilateral), ST36(bilateral)
    2c) Depth of insertion, based on a specified unit of measurement, or on a particular tissue level : 5 - 30 mm
    2d) Response sought (e.g. de qi or muscle twitch response) : None
    2e) Needle stimulation (e.g. manual, electrical) : manual
    2f) Needle retention time : 15 minutes
    2g) Needle type (diameter, length, and manufacturer or material). : 0.30 * 30mm, sterilized stainless steel needle(Asia-med GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchplatz 1,Germany)
    3) Treatment regimen
    3a) Number of treatment sessions : acupunture group - 24 sessions, sham acupuncture group - 24 sessions
    3b) Frequency and duration of treatment sessions. : twice per week for 12 weeks (total 24 sessions)
    4) Other components of treatment
    4a)  Details of other interventions administered to the acupuncture group (e.g. moxibustion,  cupping, herbs, exercises, lifestyle advice) : None
    4b)  Setting and context of treatment, including instructions to practitioners, and information and explanations to patients. : Hospital outpatient department
    5)  Practitioner background : Specialist in oriental neuropsychiatry or more than one-year career resident under the guidance of a oriental psychiatric specialist
    Arm 2

    Arm Label

    sham acupucnture

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type

    Sham comparator

    Arm Description

    6) Control or comparator interventions
    6a) Rationale for the control or comparator in the context of the research question, with sources that justify this choice : As placebo control, non-penetrating sham acupuncture will be used.
    6b) Precise description of the control or comparator. If sham acupuncture or any other type of acupuncture-like control is used, provide details as for Items 1 to 3 above. : Non-penetrating acupuncture treatment on the same acupoints using Streitberger device.
  • 9. Subject Eligibility

    Subject Eligibility Information
    Condition(s)/Problem(s) * (F00-F99)Mental and behavioural disorders 
       (F06.7)Mild cognitive disorder 

    Mild cognitive impairment
    Rare Disease No
    Inclusion Criteria






    1) Patients who meet the criteria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
    2) Men and women aged 50 to 70
    3) Suffering memory loss of more than 3 months
    4) Education level of more than 6 years
    5) a Korean-type Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-K) score < 23
    6) a CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating) score of 0.5 and GDS (Global Deterioration Scale) grade 2-3
    7) a Modified Hachinski Ischemic Score (HIS) score of 4 or less
    8) Voluntarily signed the informed consent form
    Exclusion Criteria
    1) Patients who meet the criteria for dementia of DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder)
    2) Presenting cerbral lesions or brain damage
    3) History of cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction
    4) Neurological disorderssuch as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, brain tumor, and etc.
    5) Mental disorder such as major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and etc.
    6) Participations in other clinical trials within the last 4 weeks
    7) Receiving acupuncture treatments within the last 4 weeks due to cognitive impairment
    8) Taking medications related to dementia
    9) Pregnant or lactating women
    10) Obstructive phobia or metal implantation
    11) Patient who have experienced hypersensitivity reactions after acupuncture treatment, or who are difficult to cooperate with acupuncture treatment
    12) Others judged inappropriate as subjects by researchers
    Healthy Volunteers No
  • 10. Outcome Measure(s)

    Outcome Measure(s) Information - Type of Primary Outcome, Primary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint, Secondary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint
    Type of Primary Outcome Efficacy
    Primary Outcome(s) 1
    Digit span test
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 1
    Digit span test
    week 4, week 8
    Secondary Outcome(s) 2
    Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST)
    week 4, week 8, week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 3
    Korean Version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-K)
    12 weeks
    Secondary Outcome(s) 4
    Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery-II (SNSB-II)
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 5
    Korean Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 6
    State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 7
    working memory task performance score
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 8
    Brain activity change by working memory task performance
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 9
    Brain activity change by emotional image stimulation
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 10
    Changes of cerebral blood flow
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 11
    Changes in functional and structural networks of the brain
    week 12
    Secondary Outcome(s) 12
    Adverse events
    every visit
  • 11. Study Results and Publication

    Study Results and Publication Information - Result Registered, Final Enrollment Number, Number of Publication, Publications, Results Upload, Date of Posting Results, Protocol URL or File Upload, Brief Summary
    Result Registered No
  • 12. Sharing of Study Data(Deidentified Individual-Patient Data, IPD)

    Sharing of Study Data Information - Sharing Statement, Time of Sharing, Way of Sharing
    Sharing Statement No
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