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Randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of sustained release formula of mosapride plus esomeprazole combination therapy to esomeprazole monotherapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease

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CRIS Required

WHO ICTRP (International Clinical Trial Registry Platform) Required

  • 1. Background

    Background - CRIS Registration Number, Unique Protocol ID, Public/Brief Title, Scientific Title, Acronym, MFDS Regulated Study, IND/IDE Protocol, Registered at Other Registry, Name of Registry/Registration Number
    Registration Number
    Unique Protocol ID H-1809-008-085
    Public/Brief Title Efficacy of mosapride plus esomeprazole combination therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
    Scientific Title Randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of sustained release formula of mosapride plus esomeprazole combination therapy to esomeprazole monotherapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
    MFDS Regulated Study No
    IND/IDE Protocol No
    Registered at Other Registry No
    Healthcare Benefit Approval Status Submitted pending
  • 2. Institutional Review Board / Ethics Committee

    Institutional Review Board Information
    Board Approval Status Submitted approval
    Board Approval Number H-1809-008-085
    Approval Date 2018-11-20
    Institutional Review Board Name Pusan National University Hospital Institutional Review Board
    Institutional Review Board Address 179, Gudeok-ro, Seo-gu, Busan
    Institutional Review Board Telephone 051-240-7529
    Data Monitoring Committee
  • 3. Contact Details

    Contact Details Information - Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries, Contact Person for Public Queries, Contact Person for Updating Information의 Name, Title, Email, Telephone, Cellular Phone, Affiliation, Address
    Contact Person for Principal Investigator / Scientific Queries
    Name Gwang Ha Kim
    Title MD, PhD
    Telephone +82-51-240-7869
    Affiliation Pusan National University Hospital
    Address 179 Gudeok‑ro, Seo‑Gu, Busan
    Contact Person for Public Queries
    Name Gwang Ha Kim
    Title MD, PhD
    Telephone +82-51-240-7869
    Affiliation Pusan National University Hospital
    Address 179 Gudeok‑ro, Seo‑Gu, Busan
    Contact Person for Updating Information
    Name Gwang Ha Kim
    Title MD, PhD
    Telephone +82-51-240-7869
    Affiliation Pusan National University Hospital
    Address 179 Gudeok‑ro, Seo‑Gu, Busan
  • 4. Status

    Status Information - Study Site, Overall Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollment, Target Number of Participant, Primary Completion Date, Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site, Name of Study Site, Recruitment Status, Date of First Enrollment, Status of First Enrollemnt
    Study Site Single
    Overall Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2019-07-01 Actual
    Target Number of Participant 60
    Primary Completion Date 2020-09-24 , Actual
    Study Completion Date 2020-10-26 , Actual
    Recruitment Status by Participating Study Site 1
    Name of Study Pusan National University Hospital
    Recruitment Status Completed
    Date of First Enrollment 2019-07-01 ,
  • 5. Source of Monetary / Material Support

    Source of Monetary / Material Support Information - Organization Name, Organization Type, Project ID
    1. Source of Monetary/Material Support
    Organization Name Daewoong Research&Development Center
    Organization Type Pharmaceutical Company
    Project ID
  • 6. Sponsor Organization

    Sponsor Organization Information - Organization Name, Organization Type
    1. Sponsor Organization
    Organization Name Pusan National University Hospital
    Organization Type Medical Institute
  • 7. Study Summary

    Study Summary Information
    Lay Summary
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is defined as a condition in which the contents of the stomach reflux into the esophagus leading to uncomfortable symptoms or complications. Typical symptoms include heartburn or reflux. Recent epidemiological studies indicate that the prevalence of GERD is rising rapidly in Asia, particularly in Korea and Japan. GERD can be divided into erosive reflux disease (ERD) and non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) according to the presence or absence of erosive changes in the esophagus during endoscopy. The problem in practice is that the quality of life is reduced in both ERD and NERD patients. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been shown to improve the quality of life of GERD patients safely and effectively, but several studies have reported that this effect of PPI is reduced in NERD patients compared to ERD patients. Mosapride is a gastrointestinal prokinetics that stimulates the 5-hydroxytipamine 4 (5-HT4) receptor and increases secretion of acetylcholine from the parasympathetic nerve endings to exacerbate gastric emptying and bowel movements. Some previous studies have reported that the combination of PPI and mosapride in patients with GERD is more effective in improving symptoms than in the use of PPI alone. However, PPI may be taken once a day before breakfast, but mosapride should be taken three times a day before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so patients are not adhered to mosapride in clinical practice. To overcome this problem, a sustained-release formulation of several drugs has been introduced to increase the compliance of drug administration, and a sustained release formula of mosapride has been developed with mosapride once a day. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of PPI alone and PPI plus mosapride in the improvement of reflux symptoms in patients with GERD.
  • 8. Study Design

    Study Design Information - Study Type, Study Purpose, Phase, Intervention Model, Blinding/Masking, Blinded Subject, Allocation, Intervention Type, Intervention Description, Number of Arms, Arm Label, Target Number of Participant, Arm Type, Arm Description
    Study Type Interventional Study
    Study Purpose
    Phase Phase4
    Intervention Model Parallel  
    Blinding/Masking Single
    Blinded Subject Investigator
    Allocation RCT
    Intervention Type Drug  
    Intervention Description
    If the test subject agrees to participate in the clinical trial, the screening number is given and the screening test results of the test subject are assessed. A randomization number is assigned only to the test subjects who meet the selection criteria and do not fall under the exclusion criteria, and receives block randomization at a 1:1 ratio among the two groups using the random number assigned to the computer.
    Number of Arms 2
    Arm 1

    Arm Label

    Mosapride plus esomeprazole group

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type


    Arm Description

    # How to take medication for clinical trial
    1) ME group: 1 mg of mosapride and 20 mg of esomeprazole before breakfast
    2) Test period: 8 weeks or 12 weeks (including 2 screening periods)
    4) Method of administration: each 1  tablet should be taken orally once a day from the day after receiving the clinical test drug (the next day after randomization)
    Arm 2

    Arm Label

    Esomeprazole group

    Target Number of Participant


    Arm Type

    Active comparator

    Arm Description

    # How to take medication for clinical trial
    1) E group: esomeprazole 20 mg alone once before breakfast,
    2) Test period: 8 weeks or 12 weeks (including 2 screening periods)
    3) Method of administration: 1  tablet should be taken orally once a day from the day after receiving the clinical test drug (the next day after randomization)
  • 9. Subject Eligibility

    Subject Eligibility Information
    Condition(s)/Problem(s) * (K00-K93)Diseases of the digestive system 
       (K21.9)Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis 

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    Rare Disease No
    Inclusion Criteria






    1) Only adult men and women over 19 years old
    2) Within the last 14 days, based on Visit 1, those with typical symptoms (heartburn or reflux) at least twice a week
    3) Anyone who understands the information provided to him/her and who can understand and write the questionnaire
    4) Those who have decided to voluntarily participate in this clinical trial and have agreed in writing
    Exclusion Criteria
    1) A person who shows signs of severe or malignant diseases including unintended weight loss, hematemesis, hematochezia, or jaundice
    2) Within the last 3 months on Visit 1, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy shows pyloric stenosis, peptic ulcer (except for ulcer scar), Barrett's esophagus (3 cm or more), gastrointestinal varices, or gastrointestinal bleeding,
    3) Those with primary esophageal motility disorders, pancreatitis, absorption disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.), or irritable bowel syndrome
    4) Patients with Zolinger-Ellison syndrome
    5) Patients with eosinophilic esophagitis
    6) Those who have been diagnosed with severe pulmonary disease within the last 3 months
    7) Patients with severe liver dysfunction or liver disease (serum ALT, AST, GGT, total bilirubin more than twice the normal upper limit)
    8) Patients with chronic renal disease or severe renal disease including renal dysfunction (serum BUN, creatinine more than twice the normal upper limit)
    9) Uncontrolled diabetes, cerebrovascular disease
    10) Patients who underwent surgery during the last 3 months
    11) Those with a history of malignant tumors within 5 years
    12) Persons with psychological illness, drug or alcohol abuse
    13) Those who have hypersensitivity reactions  to medicines for clinical trials, drugs including esomeprazole, and other drugs (benzimidazoles, antibiotics, etc.)
    14) Those who took PPI within 28 days of Visit 1
    15) Those who took  Histamine H2 blocker, sucralfate, gastrointestinal exercise promoter, or antacid within 14 days of visit 1 
    16) Pregnant women, lactating women or women who have not agreed to the appropriate use of contraception during the trial
    (※ Proper contraceptive method: Condoms, oral contraceptives, injecting contraceptives for injection or use, intrauterine contraceptive devices, etc.)
    17) Those who have received other clinical trial drugs within 3 months from the written consent
    18) A person who is deemed not to be suitable for the clinical trial as determined by the tester
    Healthy Volunteers No
  • 10. Outcome Measure(s)

    Outcome Measure(s) Information - Type of Primary Outcome, Primary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint, Secondary Outcome, Outcome, Timepoint
    Type of Primary Outcome Efficacy
    Primary Outcome(s) 1
    Percentage of subjects whoes gastroesophageal reflux symptoms are subsided
    8 weeks later
    Secondary Outcome(s) 1
    Percentage of subjects whoes gastroesophageal reflux symptoms are subsided
    4 weeks later
    Secondary Outcome(s) 2
    Evaluation of quality of life through GERD-Health Related Quality of Life
    4 weeks and 8 weeks later
  • 11. Study Results and Publication

    Study Results and Publication Information - Result Registered, Final Enrollment Number, Number of Publication, Publications, Results Upload, Date of Posting Results, Protocol URL or File Upload, Brief Summary
    Result Registered Yes
    Results Upload
    Final Enrollment Number 60
    Number of Publication 0
    Results Upload jcm-11-01965-v2.pdf
    Date of Posting Results 2022/05/13
    Protocol URL or File Upload protocol.pdf
    Brief Summary
    The addition of mosapride SR to esomeprazole in patients with GERD did not provide ad-ditional benefits in controlling GERD symptoms. However, considering the usefulness of conventional mosapride in patients with GERD, prospective, large-scale, multi-center studies are needed to elucidate the subpopulation of patients with GERD in whom addi-tional effects of mosapride SR are helpful for symptom control.
  • 12. Sharing of Study Data(Deidentified Individual-Patient Data, IPD)

    Sharing of Study Data Information - Sharing Statement, Time of Sharing, Way of Sharing
    Sharing Statement No
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